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To create inclusive and dissemination messages of accessible Science and Technology, allowing people with disabilities to appropriate self-development knowledge.

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To develop new strategies of scientific, technological and educational (STE) dissemination in different media besides the written or visual ones to promote inclusion.

To strengthen the MIIPAT project to disseminate the STE to people with disabilities.

To support public communication of Science and Technology and adapt its dissemination to people with different abilities through actions and transmedia strategies.

To collectivize scientific and technological advances adapting the dissemination of Science and Technology to people with visual disabilities.

To promote and strengthen inclusive dissemination activities with the participation of institutions from the educational and social sectors.

To generate interest in citizens with visual disabilities to participate in educational processes of inclusive social innovation with the integration of modern technologies and audio-description systems.



T: 8121894

F: 8262300 ext. 8118

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